Show Notes
The author of Hebrews uses specific terminology to capture the attention of his audience and make his points clear. There are two Greek words that his arguments hinge on: protos (first) and deuteros (second). Unfortunately, this fact is lost in our English translations, generally due to translation bias. However, they are central to the arguments being presented and we must understand this to understand this book.
Also, major English Bible versions do not agree on verb tenses in their translations. Some translations say that the way into the holy place "HAS not yet been disclosed" (Hebrews 9:8) and other translations say it "HAD not yet been disclosed." Some say "as long as the first Tabernacle WAS still functioning" and others say "IS still functioning." Which is it and why do these translations disagree with one another? Join Rabbi Damian as he untangles our English translations to help us understand the true message in Hebrews 9:1–10, and the amazing work of Yeshua.