June 24, 2018


Acts Of The Apostles- Part 4 - The Original Purpose: The Power

Acts Of The Apostles- Part 4 - The Original Purpose: The Power
Shalom Macon: Messianic Jewish Teachings
Acts Of The Apostles- Part 4 - The Original Purpose: The Power

Jun 24 2018 | 00:40:01


Show Notes

When most people think about the giving of the Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) at Pentecost, they view it as a miraculous event, a completely new experience “unhitching” the church from it's Jewish past. What is the significance of this phenomenon in relationship to the Hebrew Scriptures and Jewish expectation? Peter gives us the key when he quotes Joel 2:28–32, but adds in a phrase not in the text. What is this phrase and how does it unlock the Pentecostal experience for the Jewish disciples of Yeshua? Join Rabbi Damian in this captivating teaching connecting the gift of the Spirit with the Messianic expectation anticipated by Moses and prophets.

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